Roughly a UI component for modules
import inspect
import os
import pkgutil
import sys
import urllib.parse
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, cast, Set
from pydoc_fork import inline_styles
from pydoc_fork.all_found import MENTIONED_MODULES
from pydoc_fork.custom_types import TypeLike
from pydoc_fork.format_class import formattree
from pydoc_fork.formatter_html import (
from pydoc_fork.utils import getdoc, isdata, visiblename
Return the location of module docs or None
def getdocloc(the_object: TypeLike, basedir: str = STDLIB_BASEDIR) -> Optional[str]:
file = inspect.getabsfile(cast(type, the_object))
except TypeError:
file = "(built-in)"
null safety problem here
doc_loc: Optional[str] = os.environ.get("PYTHONDOCS", PYTHONDOCS)
basedir = os.path.normcase(basedir)
is_known_stdlib = the_object.__name__ in (
is_module = isinstance(the_object, type(os))
is_in_pythons_folder = file.startswith(basedir) and not file.startswith(
os.path.join(basedir, "site-packages")
is_exception in (“xml.etree”, “test.pydoc_mod”)
if is_module and (is_known_stdlib or is_in_pythons_folder):
if doc_loc.startswith(("http://", "https://")):
doc_loc = f"{doc_loc.rstrip('/')}/{the_object.__name__.lower()}.html"
doc_loc = os.path.join(doc_loc, the_object.__name__.lower() + ".html")
doc_loc = None
return doc_loc
Make a link for a module.
def modulelink(the_object: TypeLike) -> str:
url = f"{the_object.__name__}.html"
internet_link = getdocloc(the_object)
url = internet_link
BUG: doesn’t take into consideration an alternate base
if not internet_link:
MENTIONED_MODULES.add((the_object, the_object.__name__))
return f'<a href="{url}">{the_object.__name__}</a>'
Produce HTML documentation for a module object.
def docmodule(
the_object: TypeLike,
) -> str:
circular ref
from pydoc_fork.format_page import document
name = the_object.__name__
all_things = None if DOCUMENT_INTERNALS else the_object.__all__
except AttributeError:
all_things = None
parts = name.split(".")
links = []
for i in range(len(parts) - 1):
link_url = ".".join(parts[: i + 1])
link_text = parts[i]
f'<a href="{link_url}.html"><span style="color:{inline_styles.MODULE_LINK}">{link_text}</span></a>'
linkedname = ".".join(links + parts[-1:])
head = f"<big><big><strong>{linkedname}</strong></big></big>"
path = inspect.getabsfile(cast(type, the_object))
MR : Make relative
output_folder_path = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(OUTPUT_FOLDER))
path = os.path.relpath(path, output_folder_path).replace("\\", "/")
end MR
url = urllib.parse.quote(path)
filelink_text = filelink(path, path)
except TypeError:
filelink_text = "(built-in)"
info = []
TODO: Include the rest of the meta data
if hasattr(the_object, "__version__"):
version = str(the_object.__version__)
if version[:11] == "$" + "Revision: " and version[-1:] == "$":
version = version[11:-1].strip()
info.append(f"version {escape(version)}")
if hasattr(the_object, "__date__"):
if info:
head = head + f" ({', '.join(info)})"
docloc = getdocloc(the_object)
if docloc is not None:
Was this just a bug? docloc/locals?
docloc = ‘
Module Reference‘ % locals()
docloc = f'<br><a href="{docloc}">Module Reference</a>'
docloc = ""
result = heading(
head, "#ffffff", "#7799ee", '<a href=".">index</a><br>' + filelink_text + docloc
this will get import foo
but ignore from foo import bar
And bar gets no doc string love either!
modules = inspect.getmembers(the_object, inspect.ismodule)
modules_by_import_from = set()
classes, cdict = [], {}
for key, value in inspect.getmembers(the_object, inspect.isclass):
_class_module = inspect.getmodule(value)
if _class_module and not _class_module is the_object:
modules_by_import_from.add((None, _class_module))
MENTIONED_MODULES.add((_class_module, _class_module.__name__))
if all exists, believe it. Otherwise use old heuristic.
if (
TODO put doc internals switch here all_things is not None or
(inspect.getmodule(value) or the_object)
is the_object
if visiblename(key, all_things, the_object):
classes.append((key, value))
cdict[key] = cdict[value] = "#" + key
for key, value in classes:
for base in value.__bases__:
key, modname = base.__name__, base.__module__
module = sys.modules.get(modname)
if (
modname != name
and module
and hasattr(module, key)
and getattr(module, key) is base
and key not in cdict
cdict[key] = cdict[base] = modname + ".html#" + key
funcs, fdict = [], {}
for key, value in inspect.getmembers(the_object, inspect.isroutine):
if all exists, believe it. Otherwise use old heuristic.
_func_module = inspect.getmodule(value)
why does this sometimes return no module?
if _func_module and not _func_module is the_object:
modules_by_import_from.add((None, _func_module))
MENTIONED_MODULES.add((_func_module, _func_module.__name__))
if (
TODO put doc internals switch here all_things is not None or # all as scope limiter inspect.isbuiltin(value) # thing w/o module or inspect.getmodule(value) is the_object # from foo import bar
) and visiblename(key, all_things, the_object):
funcs.append((key, value))
fdict[key] = "#-" + key
if inspect.isfunction(value):
fdict[value] = fdict[key]
data = []
for key, value in inspect.getmembers(the_object, isdata):
if visiblename(key, all_things, the_object):
data.append((key, value))
doc = markup(getdoc(the_object), fdict, cdict)
doc = doc and f"<tt>{doc}</tt>"
result = result + f"<p>{doc}</p>\n"
if hasattr(the_object, "__path__"):
modpkgs = []
for _, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(the_object.__path__):
modpkgs.append((modname, name, ispkg, 0))
contents_string = multicolumn(modpkgs, modpkglink)
result = result + bigsection(
"Package Contents", "#ffffff", "#aa55cc", contents_string
elif modules:
contents_string = multicolumn(modules, lambda t: modulelink(t[1]))
result = result + bigsection("Modules", "#ffffff", "#aa55cc", contents_string)
if modules_by_import_from:
contents_string = multicolumn(
list(modules_by_import_from), lambda t: modulelink(list(t)[1])
result = result + bigsection(
"`from` Modules", "#ffffff", "#aa55cc", contents_string
if classes:
class_list = [value for (key, value) in classes]
MR: boolean type safety
contents_list = [formattree(inspect.getclasstree(class_list, True), name)]
for key, value in classes:
contents_list.append(document(value, key, name, fdict, cdict))
result = result + bigsection(
"Classes", "#ffffff", "#ee77aa", " ".join(contents_list)
if funcs:
contents_list = []
for key, value in funcs:
contents_list.append(document(value, key, name, fdict, cdict))
result = result + bigsection(
"Functions", "#ffffff", "#eeaa77", " ".join(contents_list)
if data:
contents_list = []
for key, value in data:
contents_list.append(document(value, key))
result = result + bigsection(
"Data", "#ffffff", "#55aa55", "<br>\n".join(contents_list)
if hasattr(the_object, "__author__"):
contents = markup(str(the_object.__author__))
result = result + bigsection("Author", "#ffffff", "#7799ee", contents)
if hasattr(the_object, "__credits__"):
contents = markup(str(the_object.__credits__))
result = result + bigsection("Credits", "#ffffff", "#7799ee", contents)
return result