
Roughly page and top level containers



]] ]]

import inspect
import pkgutil
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader, select_autoescape

from pydoc_fork.custom_types import TypeLike
from pydoc_fork.format_class import docclass
from pydoc_fork.format_data import docdata
from pydoc_fork.format_module import docmodule
from pydoc_fork.format_other import docother
from pydoc_fork.format_routine import docroutine
from pydoc_fork.formatter_html import bigsection, modpkglink, multicolumn
from pydoc_fork.jinja_code import JINJA_ENV

Compose two functions

def render(title: str, the_object: TypeLike, name: str) -> str:
    return page(title, document(the_object, name))

Format an HTML page.

def page(title: str, contents: str) -> str:

This is part of the public API

    template = JINJA_ENV.get_template("page.jinja2")
    result = template.render(title=title, contents=contents)
    return result
return f"""\

Python: {title} {contents}

# </body></html>"""
args = (the_object, name) + args

# 'try' clause is to attempt to handle the possibility that inspect
# identifies something in a way that pydoc itself has issues handling;
# think 'super' and how it is a descriptor (which raises the exception
# by lacking a __name__ attribute) and an instance.
# try:
if inspect.ismodule(the_object):

return docmodule(the_object) if inspect.isclass(the_object): return docclass(args) if inspect.isroutine(the_object): return docroutine(args) # except AttributeError: # pass # nosec if inspect.isdatadescriptor(the_object): return docdata(the_object, name) return docother(the_object, name)

This is page

def index(directory: str, shadowed: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> str: Generate an HTML index for a directory of modules.

def document(the_object: TypeLike, name: str = "", *args: Any) -> str:  # Null safety
    """Generate documentation for an object.
    This also part of the public API of class

    Types of : Module, class, routine, data descriptor, "other" are supported

    Modules ignore 1st name.

    Public API doesn't call with *args
    Args are:
    name, fdict, cdict (name twice?)
    mod, funcs, classes, mdict, the_object
    modpkgs = []
    if shadowed is None:
        shadowed = {}
    for _, name, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules([directory]):
        if any((0xD800 <= ord(ch) <= 0xDFFF) for ch in name):
        modpkgs.append((name, "", ispkg, name in shadowed))
        shadowed[name] = 1

    contents = multicolumn(modpkgs, modpkglink)
    return bigsection(directory, "#ffffff", "#ee77aa", contents)


ignore a module if its name contains a surrogate character